Sale Restrictions

No sales of ANY merchandise to:

Chicago, Massachusetts, Washington D.C and Puerto Rico.

All firearms will be shipped to the premise address on the FFL license unless you call and request it to ship to the mailing address. All licenses will be validated through FFL EZ Check and must match exactly to avoid delays and cancellation. It is the responsibility of the dealer to ensure that PSA has an updated copy of the FFL license.

No ammunition, third-party items ( Drop Ship ) or ANY firearms will be shipped to a Post Office Box.

Freight Forwarding is required for shipments to Alaska and Hawaii.


No Restrictions.


  1. Freight Forwarding is Required
  2. No Sales of Tannerite
  3. No Sales of Flamethrowers


No Restrictions.


No Restrictions.


These restrictions apply to the entire state of California.

  1. No Drop-Ship Ammo
  2. No Handguns will be shipped
  3. Ammo Shipments must be sent to an FFL
  4. No Complete AR / AK Receivers
  5. Non-compliant AR and AK pistols will not be shipped
  6. Non-compliant AR and AK rifles will not be shipped
  7. No magazines with a capacity of 10+
  8. No Sales of Tannerite
  9. No Sales of Flamethrowers
  10. No sales of Franklin Armory Binary Triggers

No Sales of Ammo or Projectiles to the following jurisdicitons:

  1. Los Angeles
  2. Oakland
  3. Sacramento
  4. San Francisco
  5. Avalon


These restrictions apply to the entire state of Colorado

  1. Non-compliant AR and AK pistols will not be shipped
  2. No magazines with a capacity of 15+

Boulder County

  1. No Stripped Receivers will be shipped
  2. No Complete Receivers will be shipped
  3. No magazines with a capacity of 10+

Vail County

  1. No Stripped Receivers will be shipped
  2. No Complete Receivers will be shipped
  3. No magazines with a capacity of 10+


  1. No Stripped Receivers will be shipped
  2. No Complete Receivers will be shipped
  3. No magazines with a capacity of 10+
  4. No AR/ AK Parts will be shipped


  1. No Stripped or Complete Receivers will be shipped
  2. No Complete AR / AK Receivers
  3. Non-compliant AR and AK pistols will not be shipped
  4. Non-compliant AR and AK rifles will not be shipped
  5. No AR/ AK Parts will be shipped
  6. FOID Required for ammo purchases
  7. No Dropship ammo
  8. No magazines with a capacity of 10+
  9. FOID Required for magazine purchases
  10. No sales of Franklin Armory Binary Triggers


  1. No rifle or shotgun sales to any resident of Delaware that is under 21 years old.
  2. No variants of AR15 or AK47, rifle or pistol, or completed lowers are to be sold or shipped to Delaware.
  3. No semiautomatic, centerfire rifle that can accept a detachable magazine and has at least 1 of the following:
    1. A folding or telescoping stock.
    2. A pistol grip or a thumbhole stock.
    3. A forward pistol grip.
    4. A flash suppressor.
    5. A grenade launcher or flare launcher.
    6. A semiautomatic, centerfire rifle that has an overall length of less than 30 inches
  4. No semi-auto shotguns are to be sold to residents of Delaware with the following characteristics:
    1. Possesses a detachable magazine.
    2. Possesses both a pistol grip and folding or telescopic stock.
    3. Possesses a revolving cylinder.
  5. No semi-automatic pistol with a fixed magazine than can accept more than 17 rounds.
  6. No semi-automatic rifle with a fixed magazine than can accept more than 17 rounds.
  7. No magazines with a capacity over 17 rounds.
  8. No semi-automatic pistol that has a detachable magazine and has at least one of the following features:
    1. An ammunition magazine that attaches to the pistol outside of the pistol grip.
    2. A threaded barrel.
    3. A shroud that is attached to, or partially or completely encircles, the barrel except a slide.
    4. A second hand grip.


No Restrictions.


No Restrictions.


  1. No sales of Franklin Armory Binary Triggers


  1. Freight Forwarding is Required
  2. No magazines with a capacity of 10+
  3. Non-compliant AR and AK pistols will not be shipped
  4. No Sales of Ammo or Projectiles
  5. Melting Point Restrictions are in place for the following items:
    1. Hi-Point Pistols
  6. No Sales of Flamethrowers
  7. No sales of Franklin Armory Binary Triggers


These restrictions apply to the entire state of Illinois.

  1. No Drop Ship Ammo
  2. FOID Required for ammo purchases
  3. Melting Point Restrictions are in place for the following items:
    1. Hi-Point Firearms
    2. Heritage revolvers (zinc alloy frames)
    3. GSG firefly
  4. No rifle magazines over 10rds
  5. No handgun magazines over 15rds
  6. No rifle/pistol kits
  7. No stabilizing braces
  8. No threaded barrels
  9. No AR or AK Rifles
  10. No AR or AK Pistols
  11. No completed AR or AK receivers
  12. No AR or AK stripped receivers
  13. No Complete AR uppers
  14. No AR-10 Rifles
  15. No AR-10 receivers
  16. No shotguns with a detachable magazine
  17. No shotguns with a fixed magazine that holds over 5rds
  18. No pistols with threaded barrel
  19. No .50 Caliber ammunition
  20. No .50 Caliber firearms
  21. No Binary triggers or FRT’s
  1. No PSA JAKLs
  2. No PSA Rock handguns or frames
  3. No shotguns with revolving cylinder
  4. No bump stocks


  1. No Sales to the city of Chicago


  1. No Projectiles will be shipped
  2. No Stripped or Complete Receivers will be shipped
  3. No Complete AR / AK Receivers
  4. Non-compliant AR and AK pistols will not be shipped
  5. Non-compliant AR and AK rifles will not be shipped
  6. No AR/ AK Parts will be shipped
  7. FOID Required for magazine purchases
  8. No magazines with a capacity of 10+
  9. No Shotgun magazines with a capacity of 5+


  1. No magazines with a capacity of 10+


  1. No magazines with a capacity of 10+

Highland Park

  1. No Stripped or Complete Receivers will be shipped
  2. No Complete AR / AK Receivers
  1. Non-compliant AR and AK pistols will not be shipped
  2. Non-compliant AR and AK rifles will not be shipped
  3. No magazines with a capacity of 10+


  1. No magazines with a capacity of 15+


  1. No Stripped or Complete Receivers will be shipped
  2. No Complete AR / AK Receivers
  3. Non-compliant AR and AK pistols will not be shipped
  4. Non-compliant AR and AK rifles will not be shipped
  5. No magazines with a capacity of 15+


  1. No magazines with a capacity of 15+

Cook County

  1. No Sales of Ammo or Projectiles
  2. No Stripped or Complete Receivers will be shipped
  3. No Complete AR / AK Receivers
  4. Non-compliant AR and AK pistols will not be shipped
  5. Non-compliant AR and AK rifles will not be shipped
  6. No AR/ AK Parts will be shipped
  7. No magazines with a capacity of 10+
  8. Non-compliant Handguns / Pistols will not be shipped


No Restrictions.


No Restrictions.


No Restrictions.


No Restrictions.


  1. No sales of Franklin Armory Binary Triggers


No Restrictions.


No Sales to the state of Massachusetts.


  1. These restrictions apply to the entire state of Maryland.
    1. No Complete AR / AK Receivers
    2. Non-compliant AR and AK pistols will not be shipped
    3. Non-compliant AR and AK rifles will not be shipped
    4. Non-compliant Handguns / Pistols will not be shipped
    5. No magazines with a capacity of 10+
    6. No Sales of Tannerite
    7. No Sales of Flamethrowers
    8. No sales of Franklin Armory Binary Triggers

    No Sales of Ammo the following jurisdicitons:

    1. Annapolis


These restrictions apply to the entire state of Michigan.

  1. No AK Pistols


  1. No Sales of Flamethrowers


  1. Melting Point Restrictions are in place


No Restrictions.


No Restrictions.


No Restrictions.


No Restrictions.


No Restrictions.

New Hampshire

No Restrictions.

New Jersey

  1. No Drop Ship ammo
  2. FOID Required for ammo purchases
  3. No Complete AR / AK Receivers
  4. Non-compliant AR and AK pistols will not be shipped
  5. Non-compliant AR and AK rifles will not be shipped
  6. Non-compliant Handguns / Pistols will not be shipped
  7. Non-compliant Shotguns will not be shipped
  8. No magazines with a capacity of 10+

New Mexico

No Restrictions.

New York

These restrictions apply to the entire state of New York.

  1. No Drop Ship Ammo
  2. Ammo Shipments must be sent to an FFL
  3. No Stripped or Complete Receivers will be shipped
  4. Non-compliant AR and AK pistols will not be shipped
  5. Non-compliant AR and AK rifles will not be shipped
  6. Non-compliant Handguns / Pistols will not be shipped
  7. Non-compliant Shotguns will not be shipped
  8. Melting Point Restrictions are in place
  9. No magazines with a capacity of 10+
  10. No sales of Franklin Armory Binary Triggers

NYC, Manhattan, Bronx, Brookyln, Queens & Staten Island

  1. No Sales of Ammo or Projectiles

North Carolina

No Restrictions.

North Dakota

No Restrictions.


No Restrictions.


No Restrictions.


  1. Until further legal notice, PSA will prioritize & ship All High Capacity Magazine and Firearm Orders to Oregon.
  2. Until further notice, any 3rd party fulfilled high capacity magazines cannot be shipped to the state of Oregon.
  3. It is the responsibility of the customer to ensure Oregon FFL Firearm Transfers can be facilitated during this time-frame.
    All Oregon Orders & Refunds are at the discretion of Palmetto State Armory.


No Restrictions.

Rhode Island

  1. No magazines with a capacity of 10+
  2. No sales of Franklin Armory Binary Triggers
  3. License required for purchase of ammunition; resident must be 21 years or older and possess a valid pistol or revolver safety certificate issued by the Department of Environmental Management.

South Carolina

No Restrictions.

South Dakota

No Restrictions.


No Restrictions.


No Restrictions.


No Restrictions.


  1. No Rifle magazines with a capacity of 10+
  2. No Handgun magazines with a capacity of 15+


No Restrictions.

Washington State

  1. No magazines with a capacity of 10+
  2. No sales of Franklin Armory Binary Triggers

Washington D.C

No Sales to Washington D.C.

West Virginia

No Restrictions.


No Restrictions.


No Restrictions.